Monday, November 10, 2008

Busy Busy....

Its seems as though time has sped by and I am now playing catch up. We had a good Halloween. We all dressed up scary this year and had a great time. I love to dress up with the kids it is so fun. We love Halloween! Larry and I got to go to a costume party this year and had a great time. I didn't get any pictures sad I know but oh well. Larry was an angel and I was a devil-very fitting right!? Then this past weekend my parents came to stay and I was so excited. We spent most of the time just visiting which I love to do with my mom. Then I talked her into taking our pictures for me (I still want you to take ours next month Rachel!) so that I could take theirs as well. Only 1 picture of us turned out but that is ok. Ryan did not want to have his picture taken so he was being difficult but I am happy with them they are cute. The kids and I didn't want them to leave it was so nice to have them here. Anyway we have been really busy still and time moves too fast. I am still working on some wedding photos but will post them soon hopefully!