Sunday, April 4, 2010

My little Angels....

It's been a while, but things are going great! School has been very good and such a great opportunity for me. I am working very hard, but have straight A's. I am very proud of myself! Going to school has made the time fly even faster. The semester is almost over, just about a month. The kids are doing great as well, Natalia always pulls straight A's and Larry has a bumper sticker on his truck to tell the world. The boys keep improving all the time and have A's and B's. Larry is doing well too, he is just a hard working man! Anyway here are some new photos of the kids. They are so cute!


Teija said...

LOVE the pictures! I can't believe how grown up and beautiful Natalia looks! And the boys are so handsome

The Muries said...

I am glad that everything is going so well for you guys! I miss seeing you around here.